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woodworking videos

“+10,000 Step By Step Plans ...even if you don't have a large workshop or expensive tools!“ Click Here 👈

Transcript in this video I'll show you how to turn this wood into a beautiful item that you'll surely love hello I'm Allison welcome to another video from the wood art Channel don't forget to like subscribe and hit the notification Bell if you're new here so you don't miss out on future videos the wood I'll be using for this project is a pine board measuring 2 m and 70 cm in length by 25 cm in width here on the miter saw I'll start by cutting two pieces with 90 cm in length each I'll then cut two more pieces with 45 cm here I'll trim all of them on one side removing just a few millimeters to clean them up and make them perfectly straight I've set the ruler at 15 cm from the blade and I'll cut them all to this measurement the two pieces measure ing 45 cm in length that are left I'll cut into 7 cm widths each here are all the parts of the project I'll save these leftover pieces for future projects now I have an important message for those of you who want to do great woodworking projects in the description of this video I've left links to equipment and materials that will help you check them out in the next step I'll plan all the pieces to the same thickness [Applause] [Music] now I'll fill in some gaps with this wood filler in the color brown once the filler is dry I'll sand it using a 150 grit sandpaper next I'll make some markings starting with this piece measuring 45 by 15 cm I've already set the combination squared to 8 cm and I'll mark on both ends like this and like this using the square I'll draw a line from end to end now I'll use this other piece and align it with the marking that was made I'll also draw a line on the other side I'll repeat the same on the other side this will be repeated with this piece as well now I've changed it to 7.5 cm which is half of their width and I'll mark like this in the opposite direction of the previous markings on all of them this point will be cut on the table saw next I'll mark the parts measuring 90 by 15 cm I've positioned it at the 16 cm Mark and I'll also Mark on both ends here I'll draw a line using the square I'll mark it the same way as before I've set it again at 7.5 cm and we'll mark in the opposite direction the same marking will be repeated on the other part measuring 90 cm x 15 these points will be cleaned up using a/2 in chisel in The Next Step I'll make markings on the two parts measuring 45x 7 cm I've set it at 4 cm and we'll mark on both ends on all of them I've changed it to 2.5 cm and will Mark in the opposite direction you can see the markings are more toward one side here I'll drill using the hand drill and this 3.5 mm drill bit the counter sync part is 10 mm now I'll start assembling the item I'll place these two pieces like this I'll apply wood glue here and use this brush to spread it the glue will be applied on both sides I'll align these two and also apply the glue in the the same way I'll place the larger ones like this and the others will be fitted here I applied a bit of glue here where one of these pieces measuring 45 cm by 7 will be fixed making sure the counter sink is facing downwards aligning the parts by this end and the side the fixation will be done with this headless nail measuring 32 mm in length I used Ivory colored wood putty to fill any remaining gaps with an 80 grit sandpaper I'll remove any remaining differences next I'll break all the edges of the item except for the part facing downwards this will be done using the router with this 28 mm rounding bit [Music] [Music] following that I'll do manual sanding using a 220 grit sandpaper if you've made it this far in the video and are enjoying it help spread this content to more people by sharing with Friends that way you'll be helping me bring more content like this to this channel well it's time to do the final finishing for this I'll apply Wood Sealer diluted with thinner to add color to the item I'll apply this special iPass colored die the application will be done using this spray gun as is customary here on the channel [Music] well folks here's the finished work the item I made today is a small suspended multi-purpose shelf measuring 95 cm x 45 I hope you like the work I did today I count on your like and sharing with friends leave your comment letting me know what you think of this project your opinion is very important and it will be a pleasure to resp respond to you thanks for watching and until the next video [Music]

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