Basic Tools For a Hand Tool Woodworking Shop - Starter Tool Set for the workshop

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woodworking tool set

“+10,000 Step By Step Plans ...even if you don't have a large workshop or expensive tools!“ Click Here 👈

I love my toes hmM, so pretty [sure] Hey, y'all I'm James [wright] and welcome to my shop [I] have a pile of tools laid out here because I want to answer one of the most Common questions that I get and that is I knew to hand tool woodworking are new to woodworking What is the basic kit of tools that I should start with [what] are the what's the starter shed? I said I should [have] and spend some money on So I want to dive into this and kind of have the perspective of what I started with and what I would suggest most people jumping into now This is kind of a touchy subject because a lot of people have personal tastes and ideas Someone might have a tool they use a lot more than other people or I might have a tool that [I] don't have listed But other people might use it all the time and want to put it in there So if there's something that you think I left out or something I'd like to add to [it] Put it down in the comments below I'd love to add to the discussion here, so let's before getting into this a little further let's actually jump into the tools So here's the basic [toolkit] And I really want to start getting into the very very basics what you need before anything else and really that is a way to Sharpen, and there are thousands of ways of doing it whether it's Diamond or Whetstone or oil stone or sand papers Really the simplest the cheapest way to get into it is just sandpaper [you] can get it in all the grits So you can get you know up into the thousands of grits when you get into your automotive? [Sandpapers] and one of the easiest ways is just a piece of glass or even a Table saw on top or a piece of granite you can tape it down on there? And then you can use your chisel or whatever and work at it Whether or not you want to use a honing guide is completely up to you. I started without any honing guide I just used [it] basically I'm hand working it and getting used to that So sandpaper and glass are really that's how I started you can get into some basic wet stones After that, I'm going to be leaving a link to a lot of these tools in the description below So if you want to see some of those you can look down there Eventually most people recently have been getting into diamonds. They are just simple. They're easy They're a little bit upfront cost but the two four years and you don't have to worry about that after that So if you have the money up front you want to jump in to once and done [diamonds] are really what I suggest I leave a link to what I use down below But now that you have a method of sharpening. Let's actually get into some of the tools The first and Masek tool is a good half inch chisel [this] is the most used tool in my shop Is the one that I grabbed? Constantly I'm actually going to be doing a video soon about making an entire project with just a chisel and a [mount] and really You can do everything with this every other tool in the shop is just a way of holding or a jig of a chisel so yeah get yourself a decent chisel [Rafa] bet Now when I say decent tool. I don't mean dump hundreds of dollars into it. This is actually one I bought from all these eyes in the grocery store the harbor freight chisels are one that I started off with they are Here for the price you can't beat them are they gonna last you long note is the handle great [no] But for the price these will get you going and they'll get you into woodworking the next two tools after a chisel is a Handsaw or a panel saw and a plane? I suggest most people starting with [a] number four I Find it to be the most versatile though a lot of people like a number five. It's a little longer It's easier a joint with my person is the number four 1716199187 one of the problems [with] your first hand plane is knowing. What actually is sharp How does it feel and when I started out? I actually restored a hand plane. I didn't restore this one It was another union. I had and You don't know exactly what sharp is and every time I sharpened it better. I was like Oh wow This is what Sharp feels like and oh wow this is what sure feels like So a lot of people do like to actually buy new or going over to another friend's house to to try one [out] and feel it sharp feel like But you can start off with a used tool and get going my first tool set was this saw a number for a union which I don't have anymore gave it away to a friend and a set of Harbor Freight chisels And I literally paid $12 for my first set of tools I got this saw free on a rebate at a local hardware store. [I] got this for [$5] And then I got my set of chisels for [$7.00] So I spent 12 dollars total on my set of kit and with these three tools. I built my workbench Really you don't need much more than a simple set of chisels a decent hand plane and a crosscut saw most of the the cheap saws you're going to find in the Big box stores are going to be these they have hardened teeth you can't sharpen these But they're going to be sharp off the bat they're going to be a crosscut saw and you can do most of your work with This is the best song [the] world know putting will get you going and it'll get you off the ground so if you're looking for [a] cheap tool kit Harbor Freight chisel a Restored hand plane and a cheap saw that you can get at a [Big-box] store now I haven't note mentioned a mallet and that's because this mallet was actually the first mount I made And I made it with these tools right here I didn't actually use anything else other than a hand plane a chisel and a saw I need to make a mallet and Really a mallet could be anything? Give me a block of wood it can be you know a hammer from the hardware store It could be just about anything, but making it good joiners mallet I think is one of the the next tools you're going to want and I'd say a great learning skill Learning [how] to make the through tenon How to work with the in grain how to do some shaping this is a fantastic [tool] and you can make it out of [a] piece of Firewood which nism is made out of they have a couple [videos] on how to make mounts as well next up We then start getting into the other hand planes if you have a number [for] I know the next suggestion would be get a number Five get one and put a cambered iron on so you can make it into a scrub plane I have a video on turning one into a scrub plane as well. It's a very versatile plane You can do some jointing with the number five You turn into a scrub plane you can do a lot of your large stock removal? But at this point. You're [going] to start seeing other hand planes in garage sales and auctions and things like that You're like oh I can buy that one who I can buy that and Hand planes will just naturally come you will find these all over the place. [so] [don't] worry about that unless you're buying something brand new Hand planes will solve themselves as you see them all over the place Next step after that is actually getting a full set of chisels if you didn't already get it as over here's Just get the regular set and I like I like about you know quarter inch up to one inch Rarely use anything larger than a [25.4mm] Occasionally I do for pairing, but yeah You're going to be pretty good if you're living out a 6mm or 20mm 99.9% of your needs will be solved in that set after that we need to start getting into marking and measuring now I haven't talked about marking and measuring because honestly You can go without it Most of my pinch was done without marking and measuring because I'm using the actual stock and I'll put the stock down there and draw a line around it and make my work on that now a Marking knife would be a very fantastic thing to have I think it'd be the [first] marking a measuring tool I would get you can do all of your marking you need with an marking knife [I] like to have a double bevel with a flat side It allows you to use this as a reference so you can mark right along the side of things and you can flip it around so you can bevel off of either side just [a] simple tool and it is a very very useful tool a Lot of people use other things on when I first got started I [used] an exacto knife But you can use whatever you [want] to make a marking knife for measuring and marking a good marking gauge is fantastic This is an old Stanley [it] just has a hardened pin here with a stop you [can] also get thousands of other types But just about any type of marking gauge will serve you fairly. Well, you can also make them fairly easily I made my first few and They're a nice easy tool, and they will serve you very well Measuring I don't do a whole lot and rarely do I measure much of anything over 600mm So I like to use this old folding rule. It works very well for me They're not as easy to [find] but anything any tape measure will do well as well For a square for a long time this was my only square it's a 150mm tri square And you can do most anything with this you know in [45] measurements off of the angle here Which I rarely do hanging the 45 most everything I just want to see if it's square And you do want to actually make sure that [it] is perfectly square and I have a whole [other] video on actually checking their square to see if it is where But once you get one that you trust This is the one that I use for almost everything is the most used Square my shop and really if you Something longer you can actually put on the edge and put a straightedge up against it and use that straight edge extending your square out farther, so it is a very very useful tool and Yeah now from this point on we're actually getting into tools that become a little bit more specialized you can cut dovetails with this But it's not really [high-quality] dovetails You can get into a lot of other things With just this saw but eventually you're going to start saying I would like I saw that works better at that The next saw I would suggest getting is a sash saw It is a back saw that is you know? Slightly deep you can do your tenon's and things [like] this a cross cut it's a little bit more of a versatile cut on here It is a fairly simple saw this is one from veritas But you can get at cheaper ones it usually has about a two inch deep head So you can you can cut fairly deep into it [just] an all-around Generally good in my current shop This is probably the most used saw I have It is all-around good for most of the the joints and Tenon's and things of that nature You can then get into all of your other saws Getting a large [Handsaw] is a good thing to get a rip [you'll] find that you'll [get] them kind of in pairs of Rip and crosscut a very large heavy lip saw Like this one is very useful I use it quite a bit But you will find as with planes saws kind of come naturally you can find them all [over] the place The other thing is once you get into saws you're going to start getting into sharpening which means a good set of files Getting a triangular file for sharpening your saws and other files then you start collecting [I] [like] [when] I'm at antique stores and Garage sales, I find files all over the place, and I like to have different files for different shapes and different uses so that I can Shape wood and actually use them for that, but as with planes and saws you will find that you naturally collect files They appear everywhere especially [your] going to garage sales and estate sales and antique stores Now one thing that most people are going to say is you haven't talked about drilling or boring? And really that's a boring topic. I don't like to mess with this Sorry, I had [to] but this is where I would start bringing in braces and bits now By this point you've probably already bought a brace because when you're looking for planes and saws these are all over the place You can pick them up for three four [five] bucks You'll probably end up with several men by [this] point so that's why I really don't bring it up because you're probably going to find them all over the place and Get them all [wherever] ever you need Auger bits on the other hand are kind of hard to come by At least decent ones and learning what you need from a good auger bit Especially when you're buying used you're looking for one is a good tip still on the lead screw So that that's good and sharp and one where the spurs these wings that stick out on the side are still tall enough that you Can sharpen them but haven't been sharpened to the outside? So they're not a smaller diameter than the rest of it and really it's something you're going to have to Experiment with you're going to buy them and they're dirt cheap you can find them all over the place And you're going to find some of them that are good and some of them are bad And you'll learn what you like about them, and what you don't like about them And what ones you want to get in the future? But eventually you're going to end up with a full set of Auger bits as well So that is really something that kind of will naturally occur and you will find them and buy them but at this point in the series where I would talk [about] them because you don't use them quite as much as you use the other basic tools but they are a standard tool that you'll need in your shop now [the] next thing I would suggest getting our clamps and You're going to need all different types of clamps But the ones I probably use more than anything are bar clamps The aluminum ones for Harbor Freight are the best bang for the buck and my money? but if you can if you can find them these Classical clamps are fantastic I really love these things and they're just a pleasure to use As well as I often use a lot of C clamps and traditional screw clamps But these are probably the ones I use the most and they're kind of something [you'll] collect over time And you find as [you] need [them] you have a project coming up, or you need clamps That's the time to go out and buy them don't worry about buying a large set of clamps right off the bat Buy them as you need them [for] projects as they will come along naturally Also at this point. I would say a card scraper [you] can make use out of old saw plates [but] you will find them occasionally and that you can get them online I'll leave a link to a couple of them. I use, but a card scraper is a fantastic tool to have Now let's start getting into some of these specialized tools now Originally I mentioned a marking gauge But getting a tenon or a mortising gauge this actually has two different Marking heads as opposed to just a one so you can mark both sides of your tenant or mortise at the same time Extremely useful these wheel style marking gauges. I use this one all the time this is one from Paratus I really love it [it] is my most common used marking Gauge now a little bit pricey But they will be something you use quite a bit, so a mortising gauge would be very good at this point I would also bring in a block plane now If you're a power tool user this might be one of the first planes you want to get but [as] a hand tool user It's not as useful as some people think it would be the tool that I use for doing chamfering or small end grain work That's when I would bring in a good low angle block plane but it's not a really nice and major necessity in the shop at least in my mind a Router plane is probably one of the most useful tools if you are a power tool user And you will find that you'll be using it quite a bit any time you're going to cleaning up Tenon's or doing dedos and grooves This will be the last thing to reach into the bottom of the groove a good router plane is fantastic You can make these the first couple I had were ones that I made and they're very simple to use [whereís] you can still buy them antique or even new now a Spokeshave at this point would be something I would definitely bring in the more you get into it the more you will collect spoke shades on this is one that I made a while [ago] [and] [a] Video on making it but you can you'll find all different types for rounded bottoms and shaped sides and different cuts and The ones you really like and the ones you don't you like that much and you'll eventually have a collection of spoke Shades But yeah, that's something definitely to be thinking [about] a coping saw or a fret saw will do you very well for getting into some of your details you can do most of your curves and Most of the shaping work you want to do is one of these at this point? You're probably purchased one of these because just like With braces you find these all over the place for two three four bucks the antique ones work great And they're the dirt cheap you can find them everywhere the last tool. I'm going to put in the basic toolkit is a plow plane This Stanley number 45 is a fantastic tool for all those little things you want to do when you want to cut grooves when you want to cut [datas] if you want to start getting into molding a 45 will do you well if you look around you can buy the basic frame with one cutter? [you] can probably pick them up for around 40 to 50 bucks Doing a little bit of searching with that you can get one with the full set in the kit for around 100 to 125 but they're a very worthwhile tool that you'll find grabbing quite a bit and I just like them. They're a lot of fun to play with and a good tool [for] the shop So that's my basic kit what I would start with now. This is really is this kind of basic at this point you you can make anything you want you can make these tools do anything you want and you're only limited by your imagination and figuring out how [to] accomplish a task with luck you have at hand and From this point on you're really just going to be buying per task. [I] don't like it When people go out and buy tools because they want to buy tools Because at that point those tools are going to be the ones that sit on your shelf and you never use them But if you have [a] task coming up where you're like, ooh, I need that tool That's when you want to go buy the next tool in your set but in all honesty ninety to ninety four ninety Percent of my work is done with these tools even though I have a large collection of other tools These are the ones that I'm using constantly they're in my shop. They're in my hands They are the ones that are always within reach, and I can grab and quickly use them and keep going so this is what you should focus on and Really you know start from one end and work to the other and once you get to this point? You have a fully functional shop And you'll know what you want to get next and what is your next tool on hand so yeah having fun. I love new tools So there you go. This is what [I] would consider a good basic set of tools and Honestly you can get by without the second half and just work with the first half Circle of my first project were just done with a hand plane [a] saw a single chisel You can be amazed what you can get done with just those three tools and I know that They're gonna be a lot of people are saying oh You should have added this tool to you the list I use it all the time or oh that tool I never use that tool you [know] this is my personal list and once you get into it You're [going] to find that there are things that you use that no one else uses and things that Other people use all the time that you're like I have no purpose for that tool. So it really is kind of something You're going to have to learn and jump into it but once you start getting into these tools you'll figure out what you need from the future and You can you can buy what you need when you need it as opposed to just buying the tools to have them so I hope you like this a lot of information and ideas And this is a really fun one [for] me if you did like the video please hit like and go and hit that subscribe button if [you] haven't already also [I] want to say an incredible. Thank you to the patrons on Patreon [you] [guys] are the reason why this channel is continuing if you'd like to help out and keep this channel going you can click the link right over here if you like this video feel free to check out all my others you might find something you like there and until next time have a wonderful day ...

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