10 Projects That Sell All Year. FREE PLANS! #makemoneywoodworking #projectsthatsell #woodworking

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“+10,000 Step By Step Plans ...even if you don't have a large workshop or expensive tools!“ Click Here 👈

today we are setting up to win 2024 with strategic projects that follow Market patterns Trends and predictions from 2023 I have 10 money-making projects which can either be sold through local channels or shipped and sold via online marketing I excluded the holiday projects all of the things we are going to be talking about today can be stacked and sold all year long and they only take a fundamental level of knoow but first we need one minute to talk about the woodworking trends of 2024 to better understand how to make our projects Stand Out Above the Rest you want customers to see a piece that you've made and say this is me hello welcome to the booth I'm not scared seen I apologies that'll be $10 people are spending more time at home they're looking for Quality pieces with a calming nature and are also focusing on health and wellness because self-improve Improvement is going to be a big deal until mid-February dark Rich Woods are back like Walnut mahogany Rosewood and Ebony using a darker stain on Pine just isn't going to cut it you're going to want to incorporate some different wood grains into your projects however even simply accenting a piece with darker tones helps to capture this Elegance curves curves curves consider more organic Lagoon shapes for tables and cutting boards busy patterns in matte brass hardware are predicted to be burning hot as well with that knowledge let's talk projects these 10 projects are guaranteed to be moneymakers this year picture frames 4x6 5x7 8x10 traditional sizes require very little material and can be produced using a miter saw or table saw personalization is unlimited I'm not going to go into a heap of detail about this because in about two weeks there is a full in-depth video for picture frames coming out I'm building a couple jigs it's going to be crazy so so make sure you so that way you don't miss any of that content matting wood type paint stain and router profile for both the interior and exterior your customer can truly build a unique to them item that will withstand the test of time and also complement that cherished memory it showcases boxes whether it is decorative or functional think about its purpose before the build because your marketing strategy will differ depending on the style of box you are building is it to store items are they heavy items jewelry toy box is it strictly for decoration boxes can be simple to construct or they can show off your level of skill with let's say dovetails Planters when you see the Big Box store starting to put out flowers you better have these signed in your yard planner boxes come in all kinds of shapes and sizes this one only requires three seedar pickets and not a lot of work I have several planner boxes with 100% free plans I'll throw a link in the description bird houses this one gets me real fired up you think it's an easy oh look what six-year-old Emma made with me in my garage no here's how to stand out with birdhouses know the migration patterns and species of birds that will come to your neighborhood each require different types of houses with differ size holes most do not require a perch because it gives the Predator a place to land and eat your tenants you need drain holes so they don't drown air flow at the top so the babies don't slowly cook to death and the top needs to open so you can clean it out okay I'm done kitchen utensils these make the perfect housewarming gift keep it simple with chopping boards Sherie boards and wooden coasters or carve out serving spoons make sure that your product meets the safety standards and regulations for the kitchen equipment in your state you can also pair these items with say a wine rack and sell them either as a set or piece by piece wine rack are also popular they can be as simple as a single board or a more elaborate art piece shelving I'm not talking about these gigantic bookcases these smaller units sell very well because of their versatility it can be a floating shelf a smaller wall decor stands a productivity shelf for a desk or even as simple as somebody just needing an extra shelf for inside their cupboards or a bookcase that they already have I get that a lot bath trays again building on health and wellness who does want to sit at home and soak in their tub and relax will they that's not our problem once they hand us that green paper baby bath trays are a huge interior Trend predicted for 2024 make them unique by having adjustable width so that they are Universal add a book rest a spot to hold a candle and a wine glass personalized signs ideal for birthdays holidays or simply as a thoughtful gift if you can connect with a few local wedding planners in your area you will be set for life you can cut out the letters engrave burn paint or print the letters and make a unique plaque to display them children's toys wouldn't toys are always in demand add that element of quality compared to a cheap box store hunk of plastic and you'll have your customers slurp slurping them up I've seen quite a few builds by Steve ramsy for these toys are generally easy to throw together trains planes cars they are all quite simple according to the online selling Hub Shopify these are high demand items in November and December it's a good idea to always just have a small basket or box of them sitting beside the table as a quick grab item because they're generally cheaper than what you're going to be trying to sell on the table and you know what let's build a toy together where yes I want to build this I saw on the woodworking for beginner site this gentleman had actually shared it so to do that I got this little 6 in cut of 2x4 that's going to be the main piece for our camera I do ALS also have a scrap piece of 2x4 so I can cut out the front lens and then I've got this piece of wood no idea what it is it's just darker so we're going to use it incorporate those darker tones and that's we're going to use to cut the ring out uh I brought over some foam you'll see why in a moment and then I got a little 38 inch dowel so I did just pick up a spider whola kit cuz I've wanted one for a long time and Menard's had them on clearance for 50 bucks and includes 13 pieces which is super cool and this thing is a beast like so you don't have to try to fight with unlocking them anymore you don't have to have a screwdriver for them these actually have little piloted holes with these little clickers on the bottom you pull those back you can put it in it does not have to go all the way it'll lock into place and then to release your Arbor you just push a different button and it releases your Arbor pretty sweet the only issue with using my brand new one that I I wanted to to use today is that I need the arbor to come out because this guy I can't take the arbor out it's stuck in there and I can't put this into my drill assembly so sorry bud we we can use it to cut the smaller holes no sweat I do have a 3in that I'm going to use and then I have that smaller 2in so I can again marry those into each other and then use that to cut out the ring and with this it has a the screwdriver thing you can take the arbor out because I need to do that with the 2in to cut out for the bigger camera lens I don't want a hole all the way through the center of the very main front piece so here we go here we go so that is our main camera assembly it is done 6 in long so to start out I am going to take that 2in hole saw begin and pile it down about a/ inch until my hole saw is actually biting into the wood I'm going to pull it back out remove my Arbor and then finish drilling out that hole so that the bottom side does not have the actual Arbor sticking through it because I don't want that hole all the way through my piece of wood then what we are going to do is go ahead and stack up the 3in and the 2in together and then pilot that hole through again the center is now waist I'm just wanting that cool ring for the outside so get one of those cut then using our 3/4 in hole saw look how adorable we're going to use him cut out two just so we have the pieces for the knobs so there are all the pieces you're going to need it is a very simple build so then you would just go ahead we're going to Center him and I'm going to put him onto the top I'm not going to go ahead and put this guy technically goes over this and they drill a hole all the way through I'm not going to do that I don't I don't want that sticking out so this knob is going to be offset and then I'm going to drill a bigger hole right here so you can look all the way through it maybe like a three quarters let me see what size I got so this guy uh you can't hand You Can't Hold This by hand it's oh yeah nerve-wracking so I'm going to drill my 38 hole so that my dowel rod fits through there so again I have that 38 Dow Rod that is how I'm actually going to hold this guy into place and we will drill a small hole in the top did you guys see that save so again just kind of eyeballing Center o is not close at all oh there we go hole is nice and Centered for this guy I cut a 3/4 hole using a forer bit for the view looker thingy then sand everything like a lot try and mimic that rounded Edge to all the sides of your 2x4 and then carry that over onto the top of the knob the top of the lens the top of this part of the camera just that way there isn't any sharp edges or any chances of splinters coming on later I used a lighter golden pecan for my Pine and a darker red chestnut for my mystery board just to give the piece some contrast between the two Woods really makes it pop I taped off a square section on the back to create the screen I used the black acrylic paint to fill it in glue all your pieces in place and finish everything up with a food grade sealant just so it's safe for your little ones to GW on and uh that finishes up this video ...

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