Six Essential Tools for DIY Cabinet Making | Tools Needed for Building Your Own Kitchen Cabinets

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cabinet making tools

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so what are the essential tools that you need for building cabinets howdy my name is robert daley owner of daily woodworks and i'm here today to show you kind of my essential cabinet building toolkit do you have to have these tools to build cabinets no you don't do these tools make it easy for especially beginners diy-ers to build their own cabinets heck yeah so we're going to dive into that today and i'm going to kind of give you a rundown of what you need now everything here is made by craig i'm not sponsored or affiliated with them i don't think they know i exist but you know these are tools that i've had pretty much since i've started woodworking now for like eight years and they're all holding up okay um i think there's better versions of most of this out there but i don't think you're gonna find a better bang for your buck version of these general tools out there so let's dive in and we'll get started with the first craig tool most of you are going to already own but the kreg pocket hole jig if you don't already own one then buy one here's my advice for this though this is i think this was called the k4 it's since been discontinued they went to k5 and now it's like the 720 pro or something like that it's about 150 and that's the most expensive piece of kit in this tool kit that i'm recommending to you that being said there are less expensive craig jigs out there this for example um is about twenty dollars and it's basically this little guy right here and your drill bit this is a pain to use however so yes you can get by with this you can limp through projects with this guy only but you're going to be miserable doing so what this guy does is essentially i needed a new bit and i went to the box store and the new bit was about 17 and the little guy with this was about 20 so i thought hey i can have this get a new bit and then this can live in my cabinet installation bag that i take on site that way if i need a random pocket screw location somewhere i can put one in in weird awkward awkward spots but this guy is great it's one of the first tools i bought when i started woodworking probably should be one of your first tools as well pocket holes are easy simple to use and they're plenty strong enough for 90 of the things you make there's some pocket hole haters out there but realistically it's a great tool now if you if you have the money and the space to buy the craig foreman do it it it really is great i spent a long time not buying this and the time and money the time it has saved me has more than paid for itself i do this professionally so my time is my most valuable commodity so any tool i can use to save time is eventually going to pay for itself this pays for itself pretty quickly you don't have to have it the other one i've used for years and it's been fine this guy i've owned for about a year and a half now and i have used the heck out of it and absolutely love it so if you have the space in your shop and you're getting really into woodworking and you're trying to make the most of your time this is a worthwhile investment to make so link in description this guy as well now the next thing you're going to want in your cabinet building tool kit are your clamps um this is not an exhaustive list of clamps i have another video over what i think are the essential clamps for woodworking these are the ones that come in really handy when you're building cabinets so the first one is of course your standard face frame clamp i don't use this much because i use my work table and hold down clamps when i'm doing face frames but if you don't have a table like this or the ability to clamp like that this comes in handy you basically hang it over your work and clamp it down the next thing that i use probably more than anything else is this guy this is a right angle clamp this goes into your pocket hole this pulls it together at a 90 degree and then you can assemble your box this one gets the most use out of any of the cabinet clamps i have this guy i was a little ambivalent on at first this is what they call like it's a little bit confusing how they name this this is the right angle clamp this is the 90 degree corner clamp it that's a weird naming thing but that's how you can tell it apart um this one's really good for like i like it on drawer boxes it's kind of smaller things and you kind of get it on there i think it's a little bit finickier to set up this is really kind of clamp and go and then you can kind of whack it with a hammer to get it where you need it but this is going to hold that joint really tight while you assemble it and so when i first got it i was a little i'm not sure if this is a super useful clamp but the longer i've owned it the more i use it and the more i find uses for it so i am glad you know to have this guy and those are kind of the clamps that i use to build cabinets this is your shelf pin jig i've used this one probably the only thing i've used more than this is actually drilling pocket holes but i use this guy on almost every project getting shelf pins installed allows adjustable shelving options and this thing is so ridiculously cheap um i don't even remember i think i paid less than 20 for it it's probably like 30 now who knows um but there will be links to everything in the description and then i have a corresponding blog post as well covering all of this i do put affiliate links in the description and in the blog post you don't pay any extra if you use those links but it does help out the channel helps me make more content so if you're willing to support me in that way i sure appreciate it um i like this guy there's several other jigs like this on the market but i like the just pure simplicity of this one you take off this thing you can set it in a cabinet that's already built it's not too big i can fit this guy almost everywhere it has you know a pin that you use to index it it comes with a drill bit i've replaced the drill bit two or three times over the life cycle of this tool you can buy extra ones you get a five millimeter or a quarter i like the quarter inch um and then you can just it's just a jig guys it just works the way the way it works and so this comes in really handy and lots of projects either shop furniture customer furniture you know they want the adjustable shelf inside the middle there they want to adjust bookcase shelves this can do it holds plenty of weight if you do it right shelf pin jig just works there's many out there this one's pretty fool proof it's very very basic but i like the flexibility because some of the other jigs if you forget to drill your shelf pins before you assemble your box you're kind of out of luck with this one it doesn't matter you can as long as you can fit this guy in there you can drill your shelf pins and most of the time i wait till my box is assembled to do my shelf pins anyway now this one i used to use a lot more than i use now this is your drawer slide [Music] installation jig it clamps on the front to support your drawer it clamps on the inside of your box to support your drawer runners and your hardware when i was mainly using a side mount drawer slides i used them a ton when i went to under mount drawer slides there was another jig i started using and actually that is a jig that i completely forgot about until right now that's worth buying so let me go grab that one this is the jig i used for under mount drawer slides i saw this guy online for a long time i thought it was gimmicky it's like why would i spend 30 uh almost maybe 40 dollars on that and then i saw one um at rockler i went to a local rockler well local as in two hours away from me rockler you need to put one in my hometown um and they had it there and you could actually try it out see how it worked and it was like light heavens angels singing an amazing tool you basically stick your drawer slide on there holds on there with a magnet this reference is on the front of your cabinet wow an amazingly beautiful tool so if you do under mount drawer slides you can you can pretty much just forgo these these guys right here and go straight to this this is this is truly awesome but nowadays i do mostly wooden drawer slides and wooden drawer runners and so i don't really use these much anymore they're great you can see they've been beat up these things are you know eight nine years old i don't know as long as i've been woodworking i've had most of these tools here um i think the newest one i bought was this guy and i think the thing on my purchase date was 2017 so it's 20 22 now so that was five years ago and i'm still using this guy i have bought new bits um so yeah so these guys are useful none of this stuff is expensive and that's kind of the great thing with the craig system is yes you can like this guy is about twice as much as this guy but this guy's going to do everything you need to do this guy is just a little bit better okay i'll make sure i link to this one too um but everything here isn't going to cost you a lot of money so it's really easy to get started and you can work up and down or to what you need the most expensive investment again out of all this is going to be your actual pocket hole jig which i do recommend you go ahead and get the bigger better version of so that is our drawer installation guides little brackets they have cool little tab tabby guys right here so they hook on and can index and again just a simple jig to do and it's everybody knocks plastic tools but these guys can get thrown dropped whatever they're good high quality plastic and they don't break so yeah it's a plastic tool but that's kind of what you want in this situation this is the european hinge mounting jig this is the one that i'm least happy with it works it's accurate you can do your hinges with it so it works exactly as designed and that's to craig's credit everything they have made here works exactly as designed as cheaply as possible and that as cheaply as possible kind of shows up here it's a little hard to get this guy lined up exactly right it's you gotta triple double check that nothing slipped or anything like that the bit they include is not a really high quality bit and i notice it gets dull really quick i've had to replace this bit a few times um that the bits include for like you know the pocket hole jig and the shelf pin jig lasts a really good long time but the included forstner bit and leaves a little bit to be desired and it's kind of got to stick with the craig one because of this sleeve it makes fits perfectly in there there might be a different brand that fits this but i haven't experimented experimented with that but you kind of have you're kind of stuck with the craig brand on that so you know this guy works just fine most of the time i order my cabinet doors from a local cabinet door maker and i just pay the tiny little bit extra for them to go ahead and bore for the really good european style hinges that i like to use and that just that's the easiest way to do it for me but on my current project that i'm working on i went ahead and made the door because i only really needed one door for that project and so i'm gonna make it and board myself because it's one of those things that takes more time to call and order it from them than it will to just make it myself and then our final jig that you want in your cabinet making tool kit is your drawer pull installation jig and like everything here can you get by without this jig absolutely there are other ways to do this stuff there are other jigs out there the true position jig is really good but it's also like 200 versus again 20 seems like craig likes the 20 price range and okay that works and again many many years old still works just as good as the day i bought it um and again it's horrible cheap plastic no it's it's good it's plastic it's it's not going to go anywhere so this guy can be set for your different um pull widths up to five inch spacing so i do run into it you know especially now those were kind of contemporary hinges no the more contemporary pools and things that people are like using are like six seven eight nine ten inches so most time i'll mark those out with tape and just drill them myself um but you know for your more standard sizes this thing works great i leave this set up for the size i use a lot and one fair warning no matter how well you think you have this thing dialed in and no matter how well you have it set up make sure to double check it every single time because one drop one bang that can move just a little bit and then before you know it you have a crooked drawer pull that is really really hard to fix so that kind of wraps up this video so i made this video for more of an entry-level look for guys you're just now getting into woodworking you're just now looking at making your own kitchen cabinets and you're really wondering okay what tools i really need before i dive into this project well this this is it beyond of course the basics like you know your table saw your miter saw nail guns drills you know those kind of things you you should already have um but tools specifically for cabinet making this this is going to get you there and in the cabinet making course that i did let's see i did that about a year ago now um these are the tools i used because i wanted to make it accessible to people where you can get into these tools relatively inexpensively to make your own kitchen cabinets that is available here or here i'm not sure which side of the cards i'm going to put that on you can watch all those videos about four hours of instruction for free on my website and then i have a 50 page set of plans that you can purchase to get all the specs dimensions how to's everything you need to build your own kitchen cabinets so that's there thanks for watching if i've earned your like give me a like if you've earned your subscription i'm honored to have it thanks for watching we'll see you next time 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